Results for crystal soil in Resin: 6 Selling Leads, Companies, Buying Leads

Crystal Soil/Beads Sap Water Jelly Decor

Non-fade Round Crystal Soil is round pearl, which can inflate 120-180 times of its own weight. This...
crystal soil, crystal bead , crystal ball

Crystal Soil In Cubic Shape

2 different types for your option: dry cubic type, half-dry cubic type. 10 colors for your option:...
crystal soil, multcolor crystal

Crystal Soil In Cartoon Shape

SPI-605 Crystal Soil in Cartoon Shape Many different shapes for your option: fruit shape, star...
Crystal Soil, multcolor Crystal Soil

Crystal Soil In Pear Shape

SPI-601 Crystal Soil in Pear Shape 4 sizes for your option: Less than D1.5mm, 1.5-2.0mm,...
Crystal Soil, multcolor crystal soil

Colorful Crystal Soil

优点:几种色彩混合不会出现串色现象 Advantage: it will not appear mixed color...
Colorful crystal soil, non-fade crystal soil , transparent crystal soil

Sap Crystal Soil

Crystal Soil is a kind of carrier, which can absorb and save water for a long time. It is...
crystal mud, crystal bead , crystal ball